What's for sale in my Etsy store.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Not 1...But 2!

Talk about your crazy weeks. It was fashion week here in Berlin, and aside from going out to dinner like normal and finding a huge block party erupt around me like I'm in some kind of German/Bollywood film crossover, I've been listed in not just one, but TWO treasury lists! And not just in the same week, but on the same day. I'd better play the lottery. Anyway, just to prove to myself that it did happen, here are links to the treasury lists (while they last...I think treasury lists are only active for a few days, if memory serves):
Lobster! and Kissed by the Citrus.

And I didn't pay anyone to make it happen, honest. I swear!

So...just two more days to get 11% off in my shop. Get a piece of my fantasies-made-reality before those bits become an internet sensation! (No, I wasn't drinking when I wrote that. Just dreaming while awake.)

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